Our Story

Be Informed. Be Smart. Be Sure.
Cascade Coaching & Consulting has developed a team of professionals with a broad base of credentials and decades of experience to assist our clients build smart and sustainable growth businesses.
email us: info@cascade-coaching.com
5656 Hood Street | Suite 104 West Linn, Oregon 97068

It’s all about the Client!

Cascade Coaching & ConsultingIt’s all about the Client!

It's All About The Client - Jeff Marshall

After 35 years in Financial Services I have concluded that I know little with absolute certainty-but I have strongly held points of view on almost everything!

My point of view is that the Single Enterprise Fully Integrated Team construct is the most capable and competent way to serve the complex needs of consumers. This model requires institutionalizing the business vision, the value proposition, business systems, processes and the client experience. I did not say that solo practitioners cannot be as integrity filled or truth driven-just that individuals cannot have the capabilities and competencies like a fully integrated team. After all, it’s all about the client! Or at least it should be. If I am right, why don’t we see more migration to the right?


It can be difficult to change and evolve from something that has served you well in the past. Amongst the many reasons I see why practitioners do not evolve; there are three that I see most consistently.

  1. Reluctance to change a system that has served clients and the practitioner well. (What ideas in your past are you married to that will not serve you well in the future?)
  2. Ego-“It’s all about me” (Do you possess an “I gene” or do you have the “we gene”?)
  3. I don’t know how to make the evolution.

Fair enough, these are understandable challenges, but you can overcome them. You can start by aligning philosophically with a view of your organizational structure that is different than the hierarchical organizational structure you are used to.

When you envision your firm with a client-centric organizational structure, there are three concrete “first next steps” you can take to evolve your team.

  1. Allocate Leadership time. You cannot “produce” your way to where you want to go-you must lead your team there. Start by allocating 15% of your business time to work on “on the business.”
  2. Role Clarity. Specifically identify the roles that must exist on your team to consistently deliver a world class client experience. Outline a strategic hiring plan over the next three years to get your team there.
  3. Business Systems, This is huge but you must begin a business systematization process to align all business systems (including compensation!) and process to support a team approach to delivering a client experience.

Committing to evolving your team to a high performing Fully Functioning Single Enterprise Fully Integrated business model is not for the faint of heart! You will encounter road bumps; push back from team members and at times, self-doubt. But stick with it-your clients with thank you and so will your team!

Contact us-We can help.

Cascade Coaching and Consulting has six full time business coaches with more than 150 years of experience and we can help you and your team with this evolution!